Foster Cranes

Seller's Notes

With the largest stock of used mobile cranes in the UK, Foster Cranes have the people, products and premises to ensure you invest in the right crane for your business. We specialise in the Sales, Service and Support of your crane fleet making us an integral extension of your business.

Seller's Inventory

Sub Category
Truck Mounted Cranes
- First Registered 2018- - Fly Jib 2m- - Winches 1- - Hookblocks 1- - Transmission AUTOMATIC- - KMS 205000km- - Superstructure Hours 5596h- - Drive Steer 6X2- - Windspeed Meter YES- - Working Range Limitation YES Max Capacity: 6tn Main Boom Length: 46m Engine Model: MAN Mounted on MAN TGM26.290 Chassis. Complete...
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