GO BIG & GET HOME The work has to get done and as quickly as possible. When “good enough” just won’t cut it, the 155XL2 is the answer. No special drawbar needed and lower horsepower requirements — thanks to easy rolling dolly wheels, it muscles through any job to get you in, out, and onto the...
BORN IN THE DIRT Contractors are a special breed. You live your work and expect the equipment you buy to work harder than you do. That’s what makes the 220TS4 unique – it was built by engineers and skilled craftsman who have spent their lives working in the dirt searching for solutions to allow you...
BRING ON THE FLOTATION The 140TS2-LGP is the direct mount ejector scraper that can get through anything. Sized correctly to meet that niche of maneuverability, hauling capacity, and horsepower sweet spot. There is no reason why you cannot experience success in a single or tandem unit setup.
UNMATCHED QUALITY THAT ONLY ASHLAND CAN OFFER A direct mount, dump-style scraper for the ultimate in land leveling. For agricultural and construction applications, the 2014CS delivers maximum performance and value. Completely new from the ground up and directly conceived from customer input with their...
Production Cycles 25.57 Average haul road speeds (KPH) 60 Loading and unloading times in seconds (Average) 1000 Total distance of travel in metres (Round trip) 90% Load factor efficiency 90% Availability Factor Operating Results 10.67 Cubic metres per cycle 3.35 ...
GO BIG & GET HOME The work has to get done and as quickly as possible. When “good enough” just won’t cut it, the 155XL2 is the answer. No special drawbar needed and lower horsepower requirements — thanks to easy rolling dolly wheels, it muscles through any job to get you in, out, and onto the...