At Plantpages we put plenty of time and effort into categorising the machinery that we list for sale. This helps you to drill down to the exact type of machine you are looking to buy. These pages show all the Doosan DX35 Z Mini Excavators that are being advertised for sale currently on the site. You may bookmark the page to check back for new additions to this category. This means that you don’t have to filter your search results each time. If you can’t find the right machine for you in this model, then we list alternatives that may be of interest on this page – both from Doosan and other manufacturers. To view more detail and to contact the seller, click on the individual machine where you will find more images plus a description of the item itself.
Doosan has launched their new DX27Z-7 2.8 tonne and DX35Z-7 3.9 tonne Stage V compliant mini-excavators. Both new models provide a larger working range than the previous generation machines as well as other mini-excavators in this part of the market, together with higher lifting capacities and digging forces. DoosanCONNECT Telematics Another important feature of the...>