We try to keep things simple at PlantPages. If a generator has wheels and can be towed – or if you can pick it up and put it in your car or van, then we classify it as a ‘mobile generator’ and you should find it on these pages. If you are looking for a more powerful generator that gets delivered and sits on the ground, try the static generator section. Within this mobile generator category there will be petrol, LPG or diesel versions – the larger, towable generators will typically run on diesel, although the LPG trailer mounted industrial generators will run more quietly and cleaner. Smaller, used portable generators do come available – often at auction when companies are cleared out. These are typically petrol powered and can be used around the home and workplace. Make sure that you are looking at the correct rating generator for your needs. You need to add up the KvA power requirements of all of the electrical items you are hoping to run then double this to find the ideal generator as your generator will perform much better running at 50% capacity than pushing 100%!